Cosmetic Dentist in Brick NJ On Diabetic Detriments

With the rise of the debilitating disease diabetes in the United States, it becomes more and more common for your cosmetic dentist in Brick NJ to treat patients battling this condition. And while diabetes can impact the body in a number of ways, oral health can be one of the most prominent. In fact, patients with diabetes are about twice as likely to lose teeth compared to non-diabetics, and one in five cases of complete tooth loss has some link to diabetes.


To someone on the outside, it would seem that preventing diabetes from tightening its grip and impacting oral health would be easy…right? Just watch your diet, monitor blood sugar, floss and brush daily- that should be pretty much it. Unfortunately, diabetes is a complex condition and doesn’t have a “one size fits all” solution tied to it. If it spirals out of control, it can impact your oral health in the following ways:


-Gum disease.


-Chronic dry mouth.

-and more.


To review a more comprehensive list of various ways that diabetes can impact your oral health, head to the following online resource and slideshow: Click Here.


Of course, all of the above ideas are great ways to tame your diabetes and maintain your oral health- but make sure to always keep regular appointments with your cosmetic dentist in Brick NJ at Pulido Dental Care as well! Call us today to schedule your next visit at (732) 477-7272.


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